Friday, April 15, 2011

Project365: Day 104 - Temple B'Nai Jeshurun

The Iowa Architectural Foundation held its third of five lectures in its Architecture Month Lecture Series on Sacred Spaces yesterday evening at the B'Nai Jeshurun Jewish Temple in Des Moines. I drive past this very stately building frequently but, until now, had never had the opportunity to peek inside.

Though most architectural historians would agree that this building is a strong example of Byzantine architecture (think Hagia Sophia), it also seems to have been influenced in many ways by Gothic Revival, Romanesque, Moorish, and even Art Deco architecture.

Today's Photo of the Day is the beautiful stained glass chandelier that hangs in the center of the Temple:

Day 104 - Temple B'Nai Jeshurun: Stained Glass Chandelier

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