Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Greenbelt Geocaching

It is finally warming up in the DSM area. We decided to take advantage of a beautiful evening and go for a walk along the Greenbelt Bike Trail. I knew there were a few geocaches along the trail that had not yet found, so I figured we could grab a couple easy ones along our walk.

Easy ones. Why do I always assume that caches along a bike trail will be easy ones?

I had to climb up the skinniest ladder on the side of the wobbliest old neglected windmill to make this find. I think my climbing made Brittany a little nervous, but she was able to snap a great photo of me on my way up to the cache.

I hadn't done a lot of geocaching lately due to the terrible weather (I don't really care for winter) but now that it's getting warm again I'll have to go out and find some more excellent caches.

If you're not familiar with geocaching, check it out here.

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